current level - articles for beginners

Day 9 - TGIF

def week_end(day)
    case "wednesday" then "Two days left"
    case "thursday" then "One day left"
    case "friday" then "WEEKEND, LADS."

Today has been a day of highs and lows.

It started quite low and went progressively better until the afternoon. It is Friday, end of the second week, and I'm just tired as you could imagine. I completed the code challenge with no particular struggling (it was quite easy), then I went on programming a little bit by myself, until we were all (us and the March cohort) caught in a Retrospective, that is a way for the coaches to receive feedback and comments from us.

I felt quite relieved in seeing I am not the only one feeling lost sometimes, and that it is normal not to finish a weekly project in time.

I am strongly motivated to get my next week to be better than this one, and reach the goal of asking more focused questions during the lectures. We'll see. In the meanwhile, I'm off to a few drinks.



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