current level - articles for beginners

Day 24 - London lights.

Federicos-MacBook-Air:battleships federicomaffei$ git add .
Federicos-MacBook-Air:battleships federicomaffei$ git commit -m 'battleship can hit a ship!'
[master f2267cf] battleships can hit a ship!
 2 files changed, 46 insertions(+)
Federicos-MacBook-Air:battleships federicomaffei$ git push

Week is busy.

Trying to move on with a slow but constant pace, not being able to write properly but still optimistic. We are quite confused, as a class, since the Ruby part of the course has been increasingly difficult and full of hurdles, and the morale of the troops is not the best.

Mine as well, considering my arm, but I'm proud of myself, since I decided to write the Battleship thing again by myself, with decent results.

Today has been a fairly productive day, all in all. We are starting to address the front-end part of software development, that is the part that is closer to the user, and involves other languages. Leaving Ruby for a bit will be good. I don't want to be too focused on one thing, risking tunnel vision.

The weather here in London is being pretty amazing, and I want to share a picture I took when out of class tonight.


Amazing, isn't it? Plus the World Cup is about to start, and on Saturday it's going to be Italy vs. England. Can't wait!

This for good wishing. Out.

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