current level - articles for beginners

Day 7 - rspecrspecrspec

require 'half an hour of time to blog'

describe 'trying to find time' do
  it 'while testing methods' do
    expect(find_ten_minutes_today).to be_false

Time, time, time.

Like Satchmo sang, we have all the time in the world. But apparently here at Makers it is not always true, especially when learning Test Driven Development.

The last two days have been really challenging. It turned out that the project we were working on was not coded properly, and that without testing, no line of code shall pass.

I pair-programmed with Will these last two days, and we worked pretty hard to get things going. I'm happy with the results achieved, and I see everyone of us really focused. We'll see if tomorrow we'll be able to finish this endless list of names, cohorts, emails, and so on.

Today I left at 19,30 - at this was my face just before leaving. You be the judge. Later yo!


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